Let’s set the bar in education together.

Get premium support and team up with us to create the best online learning experiences with Steppit Select.

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We partner with forward-thinking businesses and established educators to set new benchmarks in online education.

Steppit technology is powerful, scalable and easy to use - for trainers, teachers, students and employees alike. Built on the most effective pedagogic principles, hands-on learning has never been this powerful.

Partnering With Us

Change the way customers view your brand forever
Disrupt your industry and gain new market share
Champion industry training and become the sector expert
Connect teachers and students with the best learning experience
Learn About Our Partnerships

Discover the opportunities that online learning brings to your sector:

Further Education

Bring vocational content to life and let your students learn and practice new skills flexibly, at home or in the workplace.

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Higher Education

Discover the digital tools that are redefining active learning for universities and higher education academies.

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Corporates & Enterprises

Teach your customers new skills and claim an innovative new proposition that your competitors won’t have.

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Combine the best of digital learning and in-person training to revolutionise your practical employee training.

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5x Higher Course Completion Rate
Higher Course Completion Rate
than the industry average
97% Learner Satisfaction
Learner Satisfaction
from 25,000 reviews

Our Approach

Better learning and teaching through intuitive technology is our founding principle.

With Steppit, it's easy to create and run uniquely experiential video courses that are infinitely scalable.

Learn About Our Approach

Get In Touch

What are your challenges? Is there a knowledge gap in your market or organisation? Let's book a conversation.